David CooperCounselling in Billericay, Essex

Invest in your own wellbeing

Initial Consultation and Assessment - 30 mins to 1 hour - £30

Individual Counselling -1 hour - £60

Couples and Family Counselling - 1¼ hours - £70

Group Counselling - 1½ hours - £40 (per person) / min' 3 people

Corporate - Individuals - 1 hour - £70

Asynchronous Counselling - max of 3 messages per week - £15 per text or email

- Payment is by cash or electronic transfer. 

- Prices may be subject to change with consideration given to ongoing clients.


Fees. New_Treatment_Room_1

Cancellation Policy

If notification is within 24 hours the full rate will be charged, outside of that no charge will be made.

"If you are depressed you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace you are living in the present" - Lau Tzu



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